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A Level课程(一年)(伦敦)
London - A Level Courses(One-Year Courses)

英国 高中 申请费: 英镑




学制:1.00 年 学费:18537 英镑/年 入学时间:1,4,9月
授课语言:英语 授课校区: 领域:中小学教育

英国安培德私立高中提供全面的A Level课程可供学生选择,共有6个模块的43门课程可选,同时课程的选择和课程长度都没有限制。安培德私立高中伦敦校区有超过400名学生在此学习。 一年制课程是为以下学生开设的: 十三年级的转学生(还有一年就可以完成课程,但是只准备了AS和A2单元的) 已经学习过该课程,但是之前成绩太差的重修学生 获得艺术方面学位的转专业学生 MPW offers the most comprehensive suite of A level options that you will find in any academic institution in the UK with 43 different subjects offered over six different course durations (including retake durations) and with no restrictions on combinations of subjects or course lengths. MPW London has over 400 students studying in its sixth form. Our most varied category - self-contained courses for students who have previous experience of sixth-form work. They cover the whole AS/A2 syllabus in one year and are run entirely separately from the second year of our two-year A level course. One-year courses are designed for: Year 13 transfer students from other schools who are able to complete in one further year but only by preparing for and sitting all AS and A2 units. Retake students whose previous grade in the subject is too weak to risk a short course or a course involving only a limited selection of units. Retake students taking a brand new subject to widen UCAS options, give fresh motivation and avoid ‘retake status’ in at least one subject (making them more attractive to universities). Mature students – especially those converting to Medicine following an Arts-based first degree.

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